Fundamentals of Typography - On Books and Publications

Although much information on typography can be found online, it is generally very dispersed. Over the years, many books on typography have been published in print. Some of them are fabulous introductions and overviews - be they general in their approach or zooming in on a specific set of rules and insights that governs a specific typographic product.
In this post, I would like to recommend three publications - all of which have been around for a while. All of them also have an introductory feel to them, although the last one mentioned is because its focus in traditional book typography less comprehensive in its approach.

A Type Primer by John Kane 

This handy book by John Kane covers much of the material associated with any introductory course on typography. The website is an online addendum to the book. The book is based on examples that are presented as exercises on the website. 
Title: A Type Primer
Author: Kane, John
Publisher: Laurence King/Pearson/GG
Published in 2002
Retail price currently around $20

Thinking with Type by Ellen Lupton

An even more comprehensive introduction to typography is Thinking with Type that comes with a companion website Just like A Type Primer, the publication works with examples. Striking about this publication is the very well-developed website. With its straightforward explanations it is ideal for beginners, but its strong groundbreaking character also turns it into a contemporary compendium for any designer.

Title: Thinking with Type
Author: Lupton, Ellen
Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
2nd revised edition published in 2010
Retail price currently around $15

The Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst 

This book provides an in-depth at the rules and conventions of traditional book typography. Those rules and conventions are without a doubt those of the author, Canadian typographer Robert Bringhurst. He writes about designing with the correct typeface, harmony, choosing and combining type, but just as well about the essentials, regardless of aesthetic appreciation: designing pages, using section heads, subheads, footnotes, and tables, applying kerning and other techniques to improve legibility. The publication also holds an analytical section on a variety of type families that are available in Europe and America today.

Special about this strong introduction to photography is its multilingual focus that may be particularly helpful for those working with a multinational focus.
Although the original version of the book si out of print, there is an enhanced version available.
Title: The Elements of Typographic Style
Author: Bringhurst, Robert
Publisher: Hartley & Marks Publishers
Originally published in 1992, 2nd edition in 2002
Retail price currently around $25 for a paperback and $50 for a hardback


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